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One of the most powerful parenting tools we, as parents, have at our disposal is reading to our children. It holds immeasurable value in so many areas.

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. ― William Arthur Ward

First and foremost, it is a time of deep bonding. It is a time when the outside world stands still and our children have our undivided attention with no distractions from cell phones, cooking, chores, etc. It promotes and strengthens a healthy parent / child relationship. How many of us can fondly remember cuddling up on a parents lap with a book?

Besides the emotional benefits of reading to our children it has the power to boost their learning potential. Many studies document that children who are exposed to reading before preschool and thereafter are more likely to have greater success in all areas of formal education. Concentration and focus is enhanced. At first your toddler may be fidgety and easily distracted but with time he / she will learn to settle and be captivated by the story.

Basic speech skills, vocabulary enhancement and comprehension are three of the obvious benefits. This in turn greatly impacts on their ability to communicate effectively. Many scholastic concepts are introduced through a story such as, to mention but a few, shape, colour, number, environmental studies. Many a social and emotional issue can be addressed through choosing a story which effectively deals with the subject.

As a parent, reading to your child is most definitely one of the most important ways of preparing him / her with a solid foundation for academic excellence.

Lynne Ferguson
Centre Director | Educent Kenmore

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